Gail Haris
Writing Everywhere
Where I write? More like where do I not write!
I am always trying to find time in between the chaos of life to get those words in. My writing schedule is mostly at the mercy of two tiny mischievous little girls, so I write where and when I can.
Sometimes, I’m on the floor surrounded by dolls. Most days, I’m sitting on the couch with my laptop typing to the sweet sound of princesses singing in the background – all for about five minutes, until they turn into little mini terrors. I also enjoy listening to music while I write, especially if I’m sitting in the living room and need to get in the zone – but I still don’t want to be isolated from my family.
The banquet area of our family restaurant has also served as a writing space. The perks of this is food and coffee are always readily available. Plus, my husband and I can both help each other when needed and still have our girls with us until school resumes.
My office is currently a work in progress. My husband and I have been working on my future office and own little library for the past year. This is a room my ever curious girls are not allowed in for two reasons.
One, the staircase is winding and makes me nervous for them to climb. Two, I have all my signed books I’ve collected over the years, along with photos of my celebrity meet and greets. You’ll notice in the photos most of my books are wrapped in plastic or Ziplock bags. Did I mention I’m a little weird and overprotective of my books?
I hope to eventually work my way up here to write, but a part of me isn’t ready yet. I do enjoy writing through the insanity that is my life. I’ve never written a single word on a desktop computer because I’m always on the move and never know when I’ll find my opportunity to get the words out.
I don’t think I could stay at a desktop anyways. My creativity thrives off being surrounded by my family and the unexpected. It keeps my imagination and creativity fueled – I mean, sometimes my girls come up with way better plot twists with their dolls than I do.
As long as I have my laptop, coffee, or a coffee milkshake, I’m good to go. Literally. Whether at home, at the family restaurant, or wherever my girls need me, that becomes my ‘office.’
Gail Haris is a small town girl from Southeast Missouri with a slight coffee addiction and obsessed with travel and romance. Fueled with her sweet caffeine, she loves writing stories that blend love, humor, twists, and of course, steam; in a variety of subgenres; Contemporary Romance, New Adult, and Romantic Suspense. ​