Scarlett Hopper
Where do I write? Honestly, everywhere!
I've never been able to force my words out, so no matter if I'm in my car, at a Starbucks, or my home, I've always got my phone or laptop nearby. I would love to be able to say I can sit down at my desk and work through the day, but that just isn't my reality. I am all over the place at odd hours, an iced latte or Coke Zero never far from my side!
Out of the numerous places I work, my favourite is my office. When I moved into my home two years ago, I immediately knew I could write there. The only issue was the hideous carpet, but I'll admit it has grown on me. Luckily enough, the room has enough space to support my continuous hoarding, I may or may not have a slight shopping problem.
My most recent addition is a retro keyboard that is far too loud and probably drives the rest of my household mad. Despite my shopping obsession, I do like to keep my desk relatively bare, I've found I use it less when I've overloaded it with things. Although I adore my office, that doesn't mean I constantly use it. I get restless being in the same area for an extended period, so I only use it about 50% of the time.
For the other half, I roam around my home, looking for a comfortable spot where I can talk to myself for hours without pestering everyone around me. More times than not, I will end up in my bedroom, especially if I'm writing late at night, or my lounge room.
No matter where I end up in, I will always be listening to music. Whether I'm using my record player or Spotify, you can guarantee there is a song playing. Every book I write has a playlist, so no matter if I'm writing or editing, I will always have something to listen to.
Travelling has continuously been my most significant source of creativity, but this year that has been put on hold. So, if I get the need to escape my space and the city, my family home is my next stop. Surrounded by lush greenery and chickens, it's the ideal spot to relax and work on my next novel. I'm not sure if I will ever find the perfect place to work, so I'll just continue to roam until I find it!
Scarlett Hopper was born in Sydney, Australia and moved to Los Angeles when she was 10 years old. Her passion for writing came about at a young age when her sister would read her excerpts of Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf. She currently lives back in Sydney with her family and their two pugs. When she isn't writing or reading, she spends her time travelling and searching for the best record stores. Eventually, Scarlett hopes to begin a new adventure in Edinburgh.