Tori Fox
Lost In My Words

Where don’t I write? I feel like that is most authors! I have a nice desk that I got years ago that I was supposed to use for writing but do I use it? Nope! I use it to edit, sometimes, but I cannot concentrate for the life of me when I sit down there.
Most of my words get written wherever I can find peace and quiet. I usually write super early in the morning or very late at night so I found my kitchen table works wonders. I even joke the chair is magical and if anyone were to switch them around I would not be able to write!
Not to mention, I have a great view out my window of the mountains. That always brings me some Zen when I get lost in my words.

Now almost all of this is done with no makeup and my hair thrown on top of my head. A ripped t-shirt on and dirty sweatpants. But I decided to dress up for these photos to make it look like I have it together.
My dream is to have a she-shed that can be my own little writer’s cabin. Or as I like to call it my witches’ cabin in the woods. I bug my husband everyday about it and I think I am so close to finally getting him to cave and say yes!
Until then you will find me with my headphones on, burning a candle, blocking out the world, gazing out the window, as I let the words fly from my fingertips.

Sometimes I even walk outside to my camper and write. It’s crazy how much I have written inside those tiny aluminum walls. Not all of that is when I am at home though. I love to travel and during the last few months that camper has come in extremely useful since we can only explore the states around us. When I am out in nature, ideas flood my mind. I’ve come up with many stories while camping out in the woods.
When I am at home and I need that inspiration, I hang out in my backyard. Usually with some champagne to get those creative juices flowing. I’ll even bring my laptop out there if the sun isn’t too blinding. And when I just need to hunker down and do a final proof of my book I sit in my swing.

Tori Fox is the author of contemporary romance with a little bit of angst and a whole lot of sexy. Besides writing you can find her curled up on the couch with her dog reading a book, yelling at the TV during a hockey game or at a karaoke bar singing her heart out. No matter where she is, there will always be a bottle of champagne near. Tori lives above the clouds with her husband in the Rocky Mountains.